Every business needs to be equipped with a few packaging essentials. Whether you plan on storing items (a happenstance in every office) or you are planning on sending a package somewhere, it is important that items are protected. A few office essentials could mean the difference between sound or damaged assets.

Every office needs to be equipped with a few slotted or stock boxes. Made from corrugated cardboard, a stock box is the perfect packaging tool for use in the office. The boxes can easily be stored away and out of sight in their empty and flattened state, but will just as easily be able to store and protect files, books and papers in easily piled squares when filled.

Your business should have a dedicated tape drawer. Ensure that you have a collection of packaging tapes on standby to seal boxes or stick down any number of items. These cheap acrylic tapes can be used in a multitude of formats, and your collection of tapes can be supplemented by a few rolls of masking tape as well as filament tape for all those items that need to be bundled by a more heavy-duty bind. A few rolls of double-sided tape also have plenty of uses in the office.

A bag of packaging shredded or tissue paper will complement office tasks brilliantly, and will assure that paper and cardboard made items do not suffer age-related damage and discoloration. You’ll be wanting to keep some in the storeroom as part of your office packaging supplies. If you handle product within your office, as do many suppliers of goods rather than services, then also have a healthy store of bubble wrap.

Make sure you contact Design Packaging and Tapes if you require these important office packaging supplies. We are suppliers and custom manufacturers of packaging suppliers that will fulfill your every office requirement.