The ‘Internet of Things’, otherwise known as Industry 4.0, is a theoretical explanation of the industrial and corporate world’s coalescence with the internet. This means that, slowly but surely, everything is becoming increasingly digitalized, and that even processes on the factory floor are becoming intimately tied with the internet.

The Internet Of Things

The Internet of Things (or IoT) is a term loosely associated with processes in the IT world. As cloud computing and the ability to store large amounts of data on the internet takes hold, equipment and ‘real-world’ devices are constantly being connected ‘online’. The phrase is somewhat different from Industry 4.0, which has been shaped by IoT.

What’s Industry 4.0? It’s the move within the industrial world to integrate industrial machinery and processes with the IoT. This means that machines will become increasingly automated, factory floors and plants will continually capture data, automatons will be able to update remotely, machines will be able to work together, and human error will slowly be eradicated.

How It Affects Packaging 

The packaging industry is wholly reliant on machines and industrial automation. Processes between different machine operations and steps on the packaging floor require human interaction and space for both time-wasting and human error. However, Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things can help alleviate common packaging issues. There are many Machine-to-Machine IT communication platforms available that make use of cloud computing and data collection. These unified architecture platforms allow one machine to seamlessly link to other machines on the factory floor.

For example, visualize a scenario whereby the Manufacturing Execution System is linked directly with the Programmable Logic Controller on packaging equipment. Alternatively, imagine a world where label printers were in communication with tag readers, automatically printing labels for items that are being registered? While some worry that the Internet of Things will initiate job loss in the industrial sector, others speculate that it definitely represents the future of both the manufacturing and packaging industry.

We look forward to the future of packaging. If you require premium packaging supplies in Johannesburg and the rest of Africa, don’t hesitate contacting Design Packaging & Tapes today!