A staple gun is such an easy tool to use. It circumvents any need to use human energy to staple two items together. It also allows us to staple items that can otherwise not be stapled just by our strength alone. But be wary: a staple gun is also a dangerous tool, so ensure that you employ staple gun safety when using a staple gun.
- Always use a staple gun while wearing a pair of goggles or safety glasses. A blank-fired staple can rebound off working surfaces and cause eye injuries. It’s no laughing matter, because this actually happens.
- It’d also be a good idea to wear a pair of gloves if you’re doing some large-format stapling. This will prevent the above from happening.
- It’s important that you correctly mount staples into the staple gun tray. If not correctly placed in the tray they may blank fire or burst out of the gun and cause a minor injury.
- When using a staple gun make sure that no one else is close to you without the necessary equipment. It’s also important that people don’t distract you from the job at hand. Distractions lead to accidents, and they’re never good for staple gun safety.
- Ensure you have the correct sized staples for the job at hand, as well as the correct sized gun. Forcing a small staple gun onto a hard surface to staple an object too hard is just an accident waiting to happen.
- Don’t ever press a staple gun too hard against the surface onto which you are stapling. Furthermore, don’t press too quickly on the trigger. Both of these actions can lead to the staple gun being kicked out of place and leading to an accident.
- Make sure you use the safety lock whenever the staple gun is not in use. Picking up the staple gun with the safety off can lead to an accidental firing of the gun.
- If you’re looking for a packaging supplier in Johannesburg, then contact Design Packaging and Tapes, or if you’re looking for more helpful packaging hints and tips check out our blog page.